Confited suckling lamb sheet

Status: Cooked refrigerated.

How to prepare the Euroambrosiasconfited suckling lamb sheet?

  • Step 1: Portion when cold with the help o a knife
  • Step 2: Sear each side of the griddle in a non-stick frying pan for approx. 5 min. Until brown the skin.
  • Step 3: Preheat the oven to 190º for 5 minutes approx. Oven at 200-220ºC for 10 minutos approx.

Refrigerated cooked product

Expiry date

180 days from date of manufacture.

Conservation format

Refrigerated product. Refrigeration from 0º to 4ºC. Once opened, keep refrigerated for a maximum of 3 days.

Presentation format

Each tray has a net weight of 720 g.

Sales Format

4 trays per box

Sales format

Tray. (Indivisible package. Complete box)